Is tap water really clean?

We are fortunate enough to have water that won’t immediately kill us in Canada.

It’s amazing that we can drink from any tap and be okay.

And while we are truly thankful for this, tap water isn’t all it’s chalked up to be. Despite it’s lack of fatal diseases, it does contain less blatant substances that when consumed over years can contribute to great health consequences.

Of course, you should never feel shamed into buying a water filter, and as you read through this content, remember that tap water is better than no water!

But I believe knowledge is power, and the more we can clean up the sources of substances we are putting in, on and around our body, the greater chance for improved health outcomes.

5 problems with tap water in Canada:

  1. One significant issue is the presence of pharmaceuticals in water supplies. As people use medications, traces of pharmaceutical compounds can end up in wastewater, and the water treatment process may not effectively remove all of these substances.

    Over time, persistent exposure to these pharmaceutical residues in tap water could potentially have unintended health consequences.

    We see a rise in infertility, in hormone imbalances, irregular cycles, painful menopause transitions, and more. The extra burden of pharmaceuticals when we are hydrating taxes the liver and endocrine system.

  2. Another controversial element found in tap water in some Canadian regions is fluoride. While water fluoridation has been a common practice for decades to prevent tooth decay, there is ongoing debate about the optimal levels of fluoride and potential health risks associated with excessive exposure. Sadly it is not as safe as we may have thought. If mainstream dental professionals suggest non-fluoridated toothpaste for toddlers with new teeth, that should get us thinking.

    Some studies suggest a link between over exposure to fluoride levels and imbalances like: autism, and kidney or liver issues.

  3. In addition to pharmaceuticals and fluoride, tap water can contain various impurities and contaminants depending on the water source and treatment methods. Oftentimes agricultural runoff, industrial discharges, and aging infrastructure can contribute to the presence of contaminants like heavy metals, pesticides, and disinfection byproducts. Prolonged exposure to these impurities may pose health risks, making it essential for individuals to consider additional water filtration methods to ensure the purity of their drinking water.

  4. Finally, the presence of micro-plastics in our water is also alarming. Sadly it’s unavoidable. Even if you’re avoiding water bottles for this reason, they’re still in our supply. Why? Well, plastic is just…. everywhere! It’s the truth. And we DO drink them. Whether we like it or not. It doesn’t take much to realize that this is not good for our health.

Well I use a water filter.

To address these concerns and prioritize their health, individuals may choose to invest in water filtration systems. These systems can help mitigate the potential risks associated with long-term tap water consumption by effectively removing contaminants and impurities, providing a reliable and safe source of drinking water for you and your family.

It’s important to be educated on the difference among said filters. Not all filters are created equal. Let’s review.

Fridge Filters are popular. They boast of mostly eliminating chlorine from the drinking water, and some newer ones will also say they remove volatile organic compounds and lead. The truth is, as you’ve already learned, there is so much more than chlorine that’s wrong with our water. It may be a better choice than plain tap water itself, but it really doesn’t do too much.

Instead, here’s what I recommend:

  1. Reverse Osmosis Water (RO) is an effective treatment that removes many contaminants from water by using pressure to force water molecules through a semipermeable membrane. It can be a really good option for a lot of people, and quite affordable through payment plans. It is easily hidden under a sink, which is nice for aesthetics. The downside is that it really does not work on hard water, and many city water sources are hard.

  2. Ion Exchange - particularly through this popular water filter called the Berkey, is a decently affordable option for those wanting to improve their health on a budget. The process the Berkey uses is similar to leaving an opened box of baking soda open in the fridge to absorbs the funny smells. Heavy metals ions (chromium, lead or copper molecules) are extracted from the water through an ion exchange process where they are attracted to and transformed by electrically bonding to the media. The Black Berkey filters are loaded with ions that attract contaminant molecules. Those molecules are absorbed and permanently bonded to the filter, never entering the drinking water in the bottom chamber of the Berkey. An even more affordable option is called Zero water. The downside is it sits in a plastic container.

  3. Finally, the superior water choice would be Electrolyzed Reduced Water. The only product I’ve found that can provide this is called Kangen Water. It is a medical grade Japanese water system, used in hospitals there and homes across the world now, thanks to it’s widespread availability.

    This water is extremely beneficial for your body because of 3 mainproperties it holds that no other water source does.

    FIRST: it is antioxidant rich. Antioxidants are clearly known for helping to reduce the ageing process and cell damage to our bodies. As a live blood analysis practitioner, I see damaged cells everyday, even from people who are eating lots of fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants. Unfortunately, the demand on our bodies for MORE antioxidants is only increasing, thanks to more avenues for cell damage (hellooooo cell phones!)

    SECOND: Kangen water is alkalized. Again, in my nutrition practice, acidity is something that I always check for, and I’d say about 80% of clients test positive for on our first visit. When you are acidic, your body cannot function in the way it was designed to. If this lasts a long time, which it often does, it can contribute to delayed healing of injuries, skin problems, joint pain, digestive troubles, and more. Making your primary drinking water source alkaline is an incredible tool for not only alkalizing your body once, but keeping it in a healthy state of acid-alkaline balance.

    THIRDLY: this water is restructured, meaning it has smaller molecules for improved hydration. Just because you’re drinking “enough water” doesn’t mean it’s actually able to get into your cells and hydrate your body. Through this restructuring process that happens in the ionizer, the water becomes more easily absorbed, so much so that most people taste and feel the difference even during a quick demo!

    I personally think the Kangen water systems are the BEST out there, and if you’re ready to change your health, this is where to start. If you want to learn more about Kangen water, watch my friend Martin explain it all right here.

In closing, I just want to remind you that drinking NO water because you have learned about the dirtiness and consequences of tap water is not going to benefit you either.

Think about all you have learned, and make the best decision for you. Remember that knowledge is power, but no one should shame you into NOT drinking the water you have access to right now.

We are all a work in progress, walking slowly toward wholeness and healing.

I am just here to lay out the facts and support you on the process.

If you’re interested in talking more about water, please contact me!


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